Antenna Design Training
- The course covers all aspects of Engineering, Theory, Analysis and Design covers all the necessary topics related to antenna theory and antenna array theory:
Fundamentals of Antennas:
- Antenna Terminology & Antenna Basics
- Theory and practice of antenna engineering
- Popular antenna types & Antenna applications and electromagnetic properties
- Antenna directivity, power gain and efficiency
Why do Antennas Radiate?:
- Radio wave Propagation, Antenna Function, Size and Directivity
- Gain and Frequency
- Physics and Applications
- Transformation of a guided EM wave
- Radiation Pattern & How to read Radiation Patterns
Types of Antennas:
- Aperture Antennas
- Antenna Arrays
- Resonant antennas
- Traveling wave antennas
- Frequency Independent antennas
- Aperture antennas Phased arrays
- Electrically small antennas
- Circularly polarized antennas
Physics of Different Antenna Types:
- Helical Antennas, Horn Antennas & Microstrip Antennas
- Mobile Antennas & Phased Array Technology
- VHF and UHF Antennas
- Broadband Dipoles and Matching Techniques
- Cellular Base Station Antennas
- Dipoles and Monopoles
- Radar Antennas
- Reflector Antennas
Fundamental Parameters of Antennas:
- Antenna Radiation Efficiency
- Antenna Vector Effective Length and Equivalent Areas
- Bandwidth, Beam Efficiency, Beam width & Gain
- Impedance and Impedance Matching
- Integral Equations, Moment Method, and Self and Mutual Impedance
- Directivity, Maximum Directivity and Maximum Effective Area
- Numerical Techniques, Polarization & Propagation Effects
- Radiation Integrals and Auxiliary Potential Functions
- Radiation Intensity, Radiation Pattern, Radiation Power Density
- Smith Charts
- Design Considerations
Who can attend:
- Fresh Engineering Graduates
- PCB Design Engineers
- RF Design Engineers
- Engineers requiring a system level view of product design
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